What is Autism?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition involving challenges with social communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors. On average, 1 in every 100 children is affected by this disorder. Autism is not a disease but a complex condition influenced by multiple factors. While it cannot be completely cured, natural remedies can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. This article discusses how activities such as archery, balanced diets, yoga, and meditation can provide natural remedies for autism support.

How to Recognize Signs of Autism in Children

  • Hyperactivity: –Children with autism often exhibit unusually high levels of energy or movement, making it difficult for them to focus or stay still.
  • Lack of response: They may not respond even when called by name.
  • Self-isolation: Children with autism may create their own environment and prefer sitting alone.
  • Repetitive behaviors: Engaging in repetitive actions in an unusual manner.
  • Avoiding eye contact: They may avoid direct eye contact with others.
  • Sensitivity to sounds: Sudden loud noises can cause fear or distress.
  • Avoiding physical touch: They may resist being hugged or touched.

Primary Causes of Autism

  1. Feeling depressed at pregnancy time: – It is the main primary reason for the birth of Autistic child, Researchers found that the blood circulation to the brain is affected due to this depressed state. So, try to be very happy and enjoyable at the pregnancy time with your partner and with your environment.
  2. Thyroid disorders: Maternal thyroid issues during pregnancy can contribute.
  3. Genetic factors: Autism can run in families.
  4. Complications during delivery: Birth complications may also play a role
  5. DNA-related disorders: Certain genetic abnormalities are linked to autism.

Natural Remedies for Autism Support: Effective Ways to Help Your Child

Archery as a way to heal autism

1. Archery for Autism

Incorporating archery into the routine of individuals with autism can offer a range of benefits,

  • Improves Focus and Concentration: – Archery requires a high level of aim and concentration to hit the target. This focus creates a concentration levels in individuals with autism.
  • Enhances Motor Skills and Coordination: – Drawing the bowstring and releasing the arrow requires precise hand movements, which helps to develop fine motor skills also it improves our Hand-Eye Coordination.
  • Boosts Self- Esteem and Confidence: – The individual with autism feels very shy and fear to face others. Engaging in the archery helps to improve their confidence level and they will get a sense of achievement.
  • Reduces anxiety and stress: – The people with autism often feel stressed and burdened because of the lack of interaction with the society. So, when they engage in these sports activities, they will participate in the group activities and thy will get a good opportunity to interact with others. So, their yearning to speak with others will increase and their stressed stages can be removed.

2.Balanced Diet

Diet plays a critical role in managing autism symptoms. Some foods, such as chocolates, wheat products, and milk, can increase hyperactivity in children with autism. It’s recommended to avoid these foods and instead focus on antioxidant-rich foods like leafy greens, spinach, and strawberries, which can reduce oxidative stress, commonly found in individuals with autism.

Yoga for autism

3.Yoga and Meditation for Autism Support: Natural Remedies

Engaging your child in fun yoga poses and meditation can help manage stress and anxiety. Benefits include:

  • Physical Benefits: Yoga enhances physical well-being.
  • Mental Clarity: Meditation calms the mind and reduces anxiety.

Other aesthetic activities such as playing musical instruments, dancing, and swimming also promote positive development in children with autism.


By incorporating natural remedies for autism support, parents can help their children manage symptoms and improve their quality of life.

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2.“Natural Cancer Remedies: Effective Solutions”

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